Issue 81 – Cyborgs

By DS Davidson

People of the future
Hardwired from birth
With implants and upgrades
Hardly human
Perhaps more
Perhaps less
Physically perfected
Their minds reprogrammed


The Code-Wired Kids
By Cardinal Cox

They gathered up the broken from the battle fields
The shattered from the steppes to desert combat zones
Looked at as the autumn harvest’s full yield
Each body not a slaughtered beast but a ripe fruit grown

The injured victims fitted with prosthetic parts
Connected direct into nervous system’s net
A.I. routine feedback to both the brain and heart
But the recipients hadn’t realised yet

Machine-code downloads to the cortex during dreams
Simulating avatars of virtual wars
These boosted veterans are not quite what they seem
There’s a switch to press if they decide what they are for

Reserve toy-soldiers wound up and ready to go
Surgeries debt to be called in for any foe

By DJ Tyrer

part orc, part machine
the cybork will reign supreme
across dimensions and space
cybernetic master race


The Icyborg
Haunted Antarctica
By Mark Hudson

Part One: The 1800s

In 1770, James Crook
went on a dangerous voyage he took.
From London, he set sail,
to explore, not to fail.

He went to Antarctica, got near,
but apparitions would appear.
On a Hawaiian beach, he met misfortune,
victim of native’s killing and torturing.

This led many nations to explore,
the frozen wastelands outdoors.
Fools Sebastien Dement d’Servil,
went to sail for an ego trip thrill.

Looking for fame for France,
he was the victim of circumstance.
Leaving his bride, his children died,
he kept sailing for French pride.

An American named Milkes, from the U.S,
left Virginia to challenge the rest.
With the Porpoise and the Flying Fish,
ships set sail with a death wish.

The Island, of which Crook was obsessed,
had been nicknamed The Possessed.
Little did they know, that it was true,
this ice cap was haunted, the legend grew.

D’Servil came back to make his claim,
and France would recognize his name.
But with his family on the train,
it derailed and death would reign.

Part Two: Year 2035

The ice caps are melted, there is pollution,
every nation has the solution.
Every nation has a cyborg,
to clean up Antarctica’s fjord.

Robotic creatures, that don’t rust,
going underwater, in science we trust.
Picking up bottles, picking up plastic,
this is what it takes-it’s gotten drastic.

The whole world is underwater,
gone are polar bears, seals and otters.
All that’s left is man and cyborg,
and man is next to go to the morgue!

A mutiny on ship, cyborgs rebel,
into the water the cyborgs propel
the captain and crew, to die frozen,
cyborgs, the master race chosen.


By Harris Coverley

beyond both man and machine
our species’s future —
then his bloody head fell off
(true embarrassment)
into the toilet

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